
We Are In News

Discover what the media is saying about Dial2Decor. From features in leading publications to interviews with our founder, explore the latest news and insights surrounding our brand.
Crafting Comfort: Dial2Decor Sets New Standards in Furniture Design and Production

Dial2Decor, a Delhi-based furniture company, is enhancing industry standards with its innovative approach, led by the inspiring story of its founder, Shruti Chawla.

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From Homemaker to Entrepreneur: A Story of Resilience

Shruti’s journey is one of defying expectations. With support from her family, Shruti transformed from a homemaker into a successful businesswoman. Her story serves as a powerful inspiration for ...

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Crafting Comfort: Dial2Decor Sets New Standards in Furniture Design and Production

With a keen eye on trends and consumer preferences, Dial2decor’s perspective sheds light on the nuanced shifts within the industry. As the demand for personalised living ...

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Crafting Comfort: Dial2Decor Sets New Standards in Furniture Design and Production

Dial2Decor, an innovative luxury lifestyle furniture brand, is rewriting the narrative of furniture shopping across Delhi. Founded by Shruti Chawla, the company ...

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Crafting Comfort: Dial2Decor Sets New Standards in Furniture Design and Production

With a keen eye on trends and consumer preferences, Dial2decor’s perspective sheds light on the nuanced shifts within the industry. As the demand for ...

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From Factory to The Living Room: Dial2Decor's Game-Changing Approach to Furniture Shopping

Dial2Decor, a pioneering lifestyle furniture brand, is geared up to enhance the Indian furniture market with its unique approach by providing customised furniture at ...

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